Baukultur Verkehr: Orte / Prozesse / Strategien | |
A german-only publication featuring architectural projects, concepts, and strategic proposals for a wide scope of mobility and transportation issues. In-depth essays are complimented with visually detailed presentations of realized solutions. IIDj collaborated in developing the editorial concept, the many data-visualizations, and design / production of the publication. Federal Foundation of Baukultur Germany, Park Books, Zuerich 2013 | |
Information Design In / From / For Communities | |
Curating, designing, and producing a special edition that introduces three very different projects from Haiti, Germany, and Japan. Referring to the DesignFactors model developed at IIDj this compilation attempts to identify and describe methodologies of general relevance. Design for All India 20132 download the publication | |
Grand Paris | Métropole Douce | |
This projects, commissioned by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to ten international teams of architects and urban planners, addresses the challenges of turning Grand Paris into a pioneering Grand Landscape evolving in accord with the Kyoto Protocol. IIDj collaborated in the publication of the findings and proposals at nouvelles éditions Jean Michel Place LIN Architects Urbanists, Paris/Berlin 2009 -, Paris 2009 | | | |
Appointed by the Embassy of Germany in Japan, IIDj is developing web content and services for young Japanese to foster interest in German culture, lifestyles, research and sciences, career opportunities, and Japan-German connections., Japan 2009 - | |
German Innovation Award | |
Inspired by the work of Gottfried Wagener, this award has been initiated by twelve technology-focused German companies and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan to promote cooperation between Germany and Japan in industry and academia. IIDj is responsible for branding, communications, and systems development German Innovation Award, Japan 2008 - | |
Observations-Projections-Constructions Cité du Design, Saint-Etienne | |
A series of three publications, Observations, Projections and Constructions, to document the work of LIN Finn Geipel Giulia Andi Architects Urbanists, Berlin, for the Cité du Design in St Etienne, France. IIDj has collaborated in concept development, design, editing, translation and production. The first two volumes have been published by Éditions Jean-Michel Place, Paris 2007 | |
Berlin A to Z | |
An alternative travel guide, produced in close cooperation with more than 70 contributors. The challenge for IIDj has been to manage planning, editing, translating, and publishing of a very heterogenous body of information. A custom-developed Content Management System helped to simultaneously produce both a japanese and korean version. After publication, the material has been repurposed for an exhibition at the International Design Centre in Berlin. Graphic-sha Publishing, Tokyo 2006 Intercommunism, Seoul 2006 | |
Deutschland in Japan 2005/2006 | |
For this series of events to promote Germany, organized by the German Foreign Ministry, the Goethe Institute, and the German Chamber of Commerce together with many local and overseas partners, IIDj has been responsible for the content management and design of the official web-site and various media campaigns. | |
Information Design Source Book | |
A compilation of over 100 examples of applied Information Design, covering the fields of Corporate Communications, Products/Services, Signage/Directions, Methods/Tools, and Education/Research/Science. Rich illustrations and detailed captions make this publication an inspiring reference. Published as Japanese/English and English/German versions. Graphic-sha Publishing, Tokyo 2003 Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 2005 | |
Information Design Reader | |
Presentations of the visionplus7 conference, the first of its kind in Japan in 1999, are the foundation of this book. International experts explain their specific view on concepts, case studies and extensions of the Information Design discipline. The very successful Japanese edition has later been complemented with a Korean publication Graphic-sha Publishing, Tokyo 2002 Intercommunism, Seoul 2002 |
IIDj, February, 2015 |